Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.
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  1. HOME
  2. Our Characteristics
  3. IPO Track Record

IPO Track Record

Through our support for start-ups, we have acquired experience of handling a large number of IPOs. Our aim is to return to society our know-how and expertise, while growing in tandem with the investees.

Cumulative Total Number of IPOs
Fiscal year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Cumulative total 760 764 772 776 786 799 815 837 852 859 864 873 879 892 904 912 922 929
Single year 23 4 8 4 10 13 16 22 15 7 5 9 6 13 12 8 10 7
Fiscal year Cumulative total Single year
2007 760 23
2008 764 4
2009 772 8
2010 776 4
2011 786 10
2012 799 13
2013 815 16
2014 837 22
2015 852 15
2016 859 7
2017 864 5
2018 873 9
2019 879 6
2020 892 13
2021 904 12
2022 912 8
2023 922 10
2024 929 7
  • IPO Date :
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