Mitsubishi UFJ Capital Co., Ltd.
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Investment Track Record

Stable and Continuous Investment Track Record

Since our establishment in 1974, we have engaged consistently in start-up investment. Since we became Mitsubishi UFJ Capital in fiscal 2005, we have made approximately 1,700 investments with an aggregate value of approximately ¥100 billion (as of the end of March 2024).

  • Number of Investments
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All Industry Types and Stages

MUCAP provides equity funds necessary at each stage of growth in a broad range of industries. Amid this, we have a Life Science Department that invests exclusively in fields such as biopharmaceuticals and regenerative medicines, and is staffed by consultants whose high degree of expertise in those fields enables them to provide invaluable management support.
MUCAP also works closely with a number of leading universities, engaging actively in investment in university spin-offs. MUCAP is ready to invest its own funds with regard to start-ups with strong growth potential in particular fields, such as the life sciences and new industrial fields, in which commercialization takes a long time.

  • Number of Investments by Stage
  • Number of Investments by Industry